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Keep It Clean, Keep It Green: The 2025 UN SDGs Student Challenge

Keep It Clean, Keep It Green: The 2025 UN SDGs Student Challenge In-Person


Want to save the world in small but meaningful ways? Engaging with the UN’s Sustainable Development Goals (SDGs) at the local level and learning how to transfer your academic skills and personal experience to solve big problems can be your first step.

Please join students from CASC 161, Building Impactful Ideas, along with UR and community partners in addressing a challenge observed on college campuses daily. Working in small groups, we’ll take a local approach to the interconnected issues of waste (SDG 12) and climate change (SDG 13) and then widen the lens to see how your potential solutions can have an impact at the global level.

This is a unique opportunity to meet up with fellow students and engage in brainstorming, systems thinking, and idea generation while drawing on the knowledge of expert advisors. Light refreshments and completion certificates will be provided.

Please click on Begin Registration below.


Want to encourage your students to engage with the UN SDGs and tackle topics like climate change and waste, perhaps by offering extra credit or another incentive for workshop participation? Please let us know!

Friday, April 18, 2025
1:00pm - 4:00pm
Time Zone:
Eastern Time - US & Canada (change)
* iZone (Map )
Rush Rhees
  Faculty or Staff     Graduate students or Postdocs     Library staff     Undergraduate students  

Registration is required. There are 80 seats available.

Event Organizer

Profile photo of Andrea Kingston
Andrea Kingston


Learning Initiatives
Rush Rhees Library, Rm. 106
755 Library Rd, Rochester, NY 14627

Email me
Meet with me
Phone: 585-273-3582