Open Science in Action Symposium: Early Career Researcher Edition
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Open Science in Action Symposium: Early Career Researcher Edition In-Person
Hear direclty from early career researchers engaged in practices that make their work more open and transparent. Throughout this symposium up-and-coming scholars will discuss how they are using open tools and workflows to systematically track their research decisions over time, to engage in new kinds of peer review process that are not contingent on study findings, and to offer hands-on training on open science practices in the classroom.
Thursday, March 21, 5:30pm-7:00pm
- Join online:
- Join in-person: Rush Rhees Library, Gamble Room.
Light refreshments provided; doors open at 5:15pm.
Sessions & Speakers
Moderator: Jon McPhetres, M.A. (PhD. cand.) - Social-Personality Psychology Program at University of Rochester.
Open notebook and preregistration: Tools to track research decisions
Romantic relationships which dissolve via a partner disappearing is colloquially known as “ghosting”, but information about this modern breakup strategy compared to direct breakups is lacking in the existing literature. In the current study, the associations between breakup strategy (ghosting or direct conversation) and role (disengager or recipient) were investigated in terms of the tactics used to facilitate breakups, motivations for breakup strategy choice, and post-breakup distress, positive/negative affect, and personal growth. In this presentation, Rebecca will present her study with a focus on the process of preregistering her study and making materials, data and code available on the Open Science Framework (OSF), as well as an open notebook that tracks the decisions that were made during the study.
Rebecca Koessler is a first-year PhD student in Psychology at Western University working with Dr. Lorne Campbell in the Western Love Lab. Her main research interests revolve around romantic relationship initiation and dissolution. Rebecca is passionate about open science and always looking for ways to make her research more open and reproducible.
Registered reports: What is it like to go through peer review prior to data collection?
In recent years, psychology and other sciences have come under fire for lack of replicability of published findings. Through this rather bleak picture of the state of science, a credibility revolution—whereby value is placed on transparency and openness rather than publishing “flashy” findings—has emerged. One of the most promising avenues for increasing transparency and decreasing publication bias is Registered Reports, a publication format in which articles undergo peer review before any data are collected. In this talk, she will describe some of the current issues in the open science movement, and detail my experience publishing a Registered Report.
Violet Brown is a first-year PhD student in Psychological and Brain Sciences in Kristin Van Engen’s lab at Washington University in St. Louis. She completed her undergraduate degree at Carleton College (‘17). She is interested in how humans recognize speech, with particular focuses on audiovisual speech perception and listening effort.
Collaborative Replications and Education Project (CREP): An approach to engage students in replication efforts
The Accelerated CREP is a collaborative multilab project created by the Psychological Science Accelerator (PSA) and the Collaborative Replications and Education Project (CREP)that combines the innovative pedagogical practices of the CREP with the PSA's global network of over 450 Psychology labs. The primary purpose of the Accelerated CREP is to harness the power of student research projects across five continents to address the need for replication and generalizability in the field of Psychology, while simultaneously educating junior researchers in open science (49 labs from 22 countries currently signed up to contribute data). Further description of this project can be found in this preprint and preregistered protocols.
Braeden Hall is a Master's student in Research Psychology at Avila University who is currently leading a cross-cultural, multilab replication project called the Accelerated CREP. He is seeking a Ph.D. program where he can continue his research in social cognition, bias intervention, meta-science, and reproducibility in Psychology.
Sponsored by the River Campus Libraries, Department of Clinical & Social Sciences in Psychology and the Graduate Student Association.
Related LibGuide: Open Scholarship by Moriana Garcia
Event Organizer
Scholarly Communication Librarian